Discography 2023-07-06T07:28:49+00:00

Here’s a list of some of the recordings I’ve been involved in over the years


Simon Barker: Variations on a Running Rhythm
Ken Stubbs, Luis Perdomo, Brett Hirst Simon Barker: Southern Soul
Christopher Hale: Ritual Diamonds
Simon Barker: Precipice
Ken Stubbs, Craig Taborn, Brett Hirst: A Day Away
Jeremy Rose, Chloe Kim, Simon Barker and the Earshift Orchestra: Disruption

Rafael Karlen: Equally True

Gian Slater: Grey Is Ground
Simon Barker: A B Ten (The Practice)
Sam Gill/Simon Barker: Afterimage
Phil Slater: The Dark Pattern
Simon Barker: On Running 2: Mirage Sustains
Scott McConnachie, Carl Dewhurst, Simon Barker: Rock Dog
Simon Barker: Kameoka Roads
Simon Barker: From Mino Hills
Simon Barker: Road and Coil
Chiri: Lines Blend
Ken Stubbs: Reminiscence of a Soul
Simon Barker/Scott Tinkler: Interweave
Mary Rapp/Carl Dewhurst/Simon Barker: By One of The Night
Simon Barker: Urgency! (Vol.2) New Rivers
Simon Barker: Urgency! (Vol.1) Drum Chants for Kiribati and the Marshall Islands
Showa 44: Kaihyogo
Korean Music Ensemble HONA: Byeolsinak
Simon Barker: On Running
Scott Tinkler/Simon Barker: Tides
20th Century Dog: Bone
Baecastuff: Mutiny Music
Stu Hunter: The Migration
Barney McAll: ASIO (Aria Award Winner 2015)
Trace Sphere: Gathering Rains
Chiri: The Return of Spring
Red Fish Blue: The Sword and the Brush
Simon Barker: Descalzo
Simon Barker: Driftwood
Hannaford/Tinkler/Barker: Faceless Dullard
Chiri: The Return of Spring
Red Fish Blue: The Sword and the Brush
Paul Grabowsky: The Bitter Suite (Aria Award Winner 2014)
Tinkler, Bae, Barker: Chiri
Showa 44: Orneon
Stu Hunter: The Gathering
Daorum: Daorum
Scott Tinkler/Simon Barker: Lost Thoughts
Phil Slater Qt: The Thousands
Matt McMahon Trio: Ellipsis
Gest8: Kaleidascope
Stu Hunter: The Muse
Showa 44: Ormus
Julian Wilson Qt: While You Were Sleeping
Band of Five Names: Empty Gardens
Matt McMahon: Paths and Streams
Showa 44: Showa 44
Cameron Undy: Telepathy
20th Century Dog: Mad Stream
Peter Scherr: Jazz Folk
Mark Simmonds: Fire (ARIA Winner 1995)
Australian Art Orchestra: Ruby
Paul Grabowsky/Bernie McGann: Always
Paul Grabowsky/Katie Noonan: Before Time Could Change Us (Aria Award Winner 2005)
Jamie Oehlers: You Are Here
Scott Tinkler Trio: Dance of Delulian
Scott Tinker Trio: Sofa King
Scott Tinkler Trio: Shrike Like
Sam Keevers: No Exceptions
Tim Bruer QT: Tim Bruer Qt
Coffin Brothers: Live
James Sherlock: Watermark
20th Century Dog: Mad Stream
Vince Jones: Walking Through Taboos
Band of Five Names: Severance
Band of Five Names: Band of Five Names
Sam Keevers: No Conditions

Phil Slater: Strobe, Coma, Virgo
Vince Jones: Live
Katie Noonan/Maggie Noonan: Two of a Kind
James Muller: Thrum
Red Fish Blue: Deep
Baecastuff: Out Of This World
Baecastuff: One Hand Clapping
Baecastuff: Big Swell
Paul Grabowsky: Siam Sunset
Dale Barlow: Playground
Jim Kelly: Guitarkistra
Chelate Compound: This Cut Glass Moment
Nicky Crayson: Day Dream
Cameron Undy: Beads of Light
Lucinda: Show Me The Way
Lucinda: Desert Stars
Judy Bailey: Sundial